• Gift Letter Templates

    Gift Letter Templates is a document signed by the party that gives money to another party to certify that the received money is a gift and specify the area of investment, which is constantly a real estate acquisition.

    • Alternate Name:

    Gift Letter Templates

    Using a pre-made Gift Letter template will increase the likelihood that the bank will accept the letter. Moreover, the templates below already contain the necessary confirmations and clauses and only require the completion of the participant’s data and signatures.

    Gifting Letters are necessary when a friend or a relative assists you in making a down payment. A bank requires this information to ensure the money was not borrowed from another source. Providing proof is necessary because a bank may calculate more debt or disqualify you from your current loan or future borrowings.

    Gift Letter Types

    1. Generic Gift Letter. Use this ready-made, customizable template when drafting your Gift Letter.
    2. Vehicle Gift Letter. Gifted vehicles from nonimmediate family members must be accompanied by a notarized Gift Letter for tax and legal purposes.
    3. Mortgage Gift Letter. If you do not have enough money to finance your mortgage and have a third party fund your down payment, it is necessary to document this gift source via a Mortgage Gift Letter.
    4. Equity Gift Letter. Equity gifts require a legal letter signed by the seller and borrower. An equity gift is money provided by the seller of real estate to the property buyer that works like a loan.
    5. VA/FHA/Conventional Gift Letter. Similar to the Mortgage Gift Letter, this document is used to verify that the gift money you use towards your VA, FHA, or conforming loan is a gift and not a loan.
    6. Lastly, Gift Thank You Letter. Then, use this letter to express gratitude towards the person who gave you a gift.

    When Is a Gift Letter Required?

    Gifts that require additional certification may include cash, checks, or property to secure or forgive a debt. In the gift deed, it is necessary to include the name and address of each Donor, the relationship between the parties to be mentioned, information about the donation, and when they made it. The sender and recipient must sign the letter before sending it to the bank. The letter confirms that the money and goods received are unconditional, irrevocable, or irrevocable. If the letter was written by someone other than the sender, the letter is considered invalid.

    What Is A Sample Gift Deed For Gifting Cash To Son/Daughter?

    A cash gift deed is an agreement through which the Donor (person paying the money) can gift money to the donee (receiver) without any other exchange or consideration. It shows a voluntary cash transfer from one person to another as a gift. This deed specifies the amount of money to be transferred and the conditions of such gift, if any.

    Why Is a Sample Gift Deed For Gifting Cash to a Son/Daughter Required?

    A gift deed for gifting cash is an important document, especially while gifting a large amount of money, since it records the act of giving a gift. It creates a valid documentary record. For the Donor and donee, a gift deed ensures proof of such transfer and thus avoids confusion and misuse that may arise.

    What should a Sample Gift Deed be for Gifting Cash to a Son/Daughter cover?

    The following points should be covered in a gift deed for cash to family members:

    1. Donor and donee (name, date of birth, relationship, residence, to each other, father’s name, etc.)
    2. The amount of money being gifted,
    3. Reason for gifting, if any
    4. The clause stating that the deed has been made voluntarily, without force or coercion,
    5. The clause stating that the Donor is solvent and not bankrupt,
    6. The clause states that the gift is being made without any consideration.
    7. Date and place of the deed,
    8. Conditions or requests, if any,
    9. Signatures of the Donor and the donee and
    10. Signatures and details of 2 witnesses.

    Format for Sample Gift Deed for Gifting Cash to Son/Daughter


    This deed of gift made this ______ Day of __________(month) ____________ (year) between;

    Mr. __________________, Age ____years,

    Resident of _____________________

    (Here in after called the “Donor”) of the One part,

    Mr/Miss ___________________, Age ____ years,

    Resident of __________________

    (starting now called the “Donee”) of the other part.

    Witness eth as follows:

    1. In consideration of natural love and affection being son/daughter of Donor, the Donor, as a result of this, assigns unto the donee sum of Rs._____________ (amount) and to have and to hold the same unto the donee.
    2. The possession of the Rs._____________(amount) vide cheque No. ________Drawn on _____________________, _____________ Branch dated _/_/__ hereinabove donated unto the donee and has been physically handed over to the donee as absolute owner before execution of this Gift Deed.
    3. The said gift of the Rs.______________(amount) has been accepted by Mr/Miss ___________________________.
    4. However,  From this date, the Donor reserves no right or interest on the sum at this moment gifted, which shall from this day be the sole and exclusive property of the donee.
    5. Finally, The property at this moment gifted is the Donor’s self-acquired property accumulated out of income earned, and he has full right and authority to dispose of it in any manner he may think fit.

    In witness of which, the parties hereto have put their respective signatures on this deed of gift in the presence of witnesses.


    ______________________                                         (______________________)


    The templates available below already contain the necessary confirmations and clauses and only require the completion of the participants’ data and signatures. If you do not have enough money to finance your mortgage and have a third party fund your down payment, it is necessary to document this gift source via a Mortgage Gift Letter. However, Sample Gift Deed for gifting cash to a son/daughter? A cash gift deed is an agreement through which the Donor (person paying the money) can gift money to the donee (receiver) without any other exchange or consideration. Lastly, must Sample Gift Deed gift cash to a son/daughter?