Author: Legal Ants

  • The Fundamental Duties of the Indian Constitution

    What are They? Why are They Important?

    The Fundamental Duties of the Indian Constitution With this understanding, we sometimes feel that, as citizens, we have our rights. Still, we do not remember that duties are also associated with those rights. Enumerated below are the fundamental responsibilities outlined in our constitution, which are the minimum code of conduct that every citizen of this country should uphold as they bear their responsibilities.

    These duties, as much as they are not legally actionable in a court of law, can be said to be a manual on the proper behavior of every person in a given society. Debates such as the government’s role and the citizens’ responsibilities could be more accessible if we try to become better citizens in the country.

    This article will identify the fundamental duties mentioned in the Indian constitution and evaluate whether these duties should be enforced through law.

    Following are the eleven essential duties described in the constitution under Article 51A.

    They were incorporated into the constitution in 1976 under the 42nd amendment.

    The Fundamental Duties of the Indian Constitution

    1. Abide with the constitution and its principles of sovereignty, socialism, secularism, and democracy and strive to ensure they are achieved.
    2. Preserve the ideas in the freedom struggle, like justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity. Try to contribute to the betterment of the unity and integrated structure of India.
    3. Defend the country and be ready to serve the nation in any of the capacities that may be deemed appropriate in society.
    4. Preserve unity and become inspired by the spirit of the fraternity of man and the greatness of woman. Also, deny the system that is in contradiction with these principles.
    5. Attractiveness and integrity of our culture should be maintained and conserved.
    6. Preserve and enhance land resources such as forests, water resources such as lakes and rivers, and wildlife. Be kind to all animals that God has created.
    7. Students should learn the scientific attitude, humanitarianism, and the spirit of research and change.
    8. P/Preserve the public’s property and assets and refrain from using force.
    9. Relentlessly pursue quality in every aspect of personal and group endeavor so that the nation moves upwards in the scale of effort and achievement.
    10. Ensure that education is initiated at the age of 6 years and provide education to the child or ward up to 14 years.
    11. Encourage unity and the feeling of one nation, one people of India, and forget the religious, linguistic, regional, or sectioned differences.

    What Roles and Importance do the Fundamental Duties have for Citizens?

    1. They tell the people that, indeed, they have rights, but they also have moral rights.
    2. They help foster the culture of responsibility and the duty of every citizen towards their society.
    3. They mobilize citizens to solve problems without violence and bring change to the nation.
    4. They put in place certain circumstances that will make the country more united, disciplined, and financially productive.
    5. They remind generations of a country’s core values, and they challenge people to live according to them.

    Can A Citizen Ever Be Said To Violate Their Fundamental Obligations?

    Unfortunately yes. Some common examples are:

    1. They were looting and burning public property during the strike. It goes against duty number 8.
    2. It is engaging in or tolerating unfair treatment or prejudice of women. It violates duty 4.
    3. I am indifferent towards the conservation of Indian heritage. It is because it does not meet duty number 5.
    4. Denying demanded dowry or engaging in dowry-related demands or violence. It is contrary to the dignity of women under duty number 4.

    What Consequences Can The State Impose On Its Citizens If They Fail To Fulfill These Responsibilities?

    The fundamental duties are unenforceable, and you cannot go to court when your right to fundamental duties has been breached. They are rather advisory and, therefore, not strictly binding.

    Still, having them in mind and adhering to them can bring more change to the country’s context and become more progressive. It also made me want to be a more responsible citizen.


    The fundamental duties may be described as the guiding principles for the behavior of citizens in various aspects of life. They prescribe roles we should follow and strive to achieve as responsible members of society, though such roles cannot be legally compelled.

    Its followers can cause constructive social consequences such as greater unity, equality, science and advancement, and history protection. It benefits the country as it leads in the right direction of development.

  • Schedules of the Indian Constitution

    Schedules of the Indian Constitution It is a comprehensive guide to the development of the Constitution as a complex and dynamic process that involved not only the framing but also subsequent changes in the Constitution of the United States of America.

    India’s Constitution is one of the longest in the world, with 395 articles, 84 schedules, and eight schedules. But how did it come to be? What developmental process helped this creation? Let’s take a look.

    The Constitution Assembly

    The Constitution Assembly For this purpose, after the independence in 1947, a new organization called the Constituent Assembly began. Its main task? To frame our Constitution.

    The assembly consisted of three hundred and eighty-nine members. The people who came there came from all sections of society: lawyers, freedom fighters, women activists. They were the icons of India and symbolized the great diversity of the country.

    They conversed on every feature of the Constitution over more than 166 open debates. It took the sessions two years, 11 months, and 17 days, but it could have been a few weeks or months. Finally, on November 26, 1949, they approved this Constitution.

    The Key Architects

    Schedules of the Indian Constitution

    Though 389 members created it, three stand out for their vast contribution:

    1. Dr B R Ambedkar is an Indian scholar and chairman of the Drafting Committee. He is known as an economist and lawyer in particular.
    2. Rajendra Prasad chaired and presided over the Constituent Assembly. He later rose to the higher office of being the first president of India.
    3. Electronic Media – Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel – the chief strategist and influential personality who managed to integrate hundreds of princely states into Indian Dominion.

    The Schedules

    The Constitution has an introduction and 448 articles. But it also has 12 schedules short schedules. What are these schedules? Let’s take a look:

    Schedule I-Part I– States and Part II- Union Territories

    1. It lists all the 29 states and nine union territories of India.
    2. Parliament may alter it to add or change the name of any state.
    3. Item No. 7 – Salaries of Higher Officials falls under Schedule II.
    4. Determines the pay scale of the president, governors, judges, and auditors general
    5. It is paramount to understand what the law says; the law states that Parliament can only change salaries.

    Oaths by Public Officials – Schedule III

    1. Some forms of presiding oath for a president, governors, ministers, judges, etc.
    2. Usually not changed

    Schedule IV – The principle relating to allocation of seats in the Rajya Sabha

    1. Determines the size of the state/UT’s delegation in the Rajya Sabha
    2. It modifies whenever a new state comes into the Union.

    Schedule V – Administration of Tribal Areas

    1. In the specific chapters, certain sections require special provisions for the administration of tribal areas.
    2. It is known to safeguard the traditions and customs of the respective tribes.

    Tribal Areas of Assam – Schedule VI

    1. Some of those laws and provisions which have been made exclusively for the administration of tribal areas in Assam are as follows:
    2. Schedule V is slightly different from Schedule V due to the history of the substance in question.

    Schedule VII

    1. Recapitulates subjects under the Union list, States list, and Concurrent list
    2. It is famous that Parliament could alter any items on these lists.

    Languages – Schedule VIII

    1. It mentions that 14 languages are essential for global communication.
    2. It currently lists 22 languages acknowledged by the Constitution.
    3. May be altered by the Parliament

    Schedule IX – Amendment Laws that cannot be challenged

    1. The bill, as introduced, contained 9 acts concerning land reforms and the abolition of zamindari
    2. It currently enumerates 13 acts that are linked to similar reforms.
    3. It seeks to preserve these laws from the outcomes of legal action.

    Anti-Defection Law as outlined in Schedule X

    1. Exposes mechanism to protect defection for MPs and MLAs
    2. The late Rajiv Gandhi government added this in 1985

    Schedule XI – Panchayats

    1. Added in 1992
    2. There are other specific provisions for working panchayats as well.

    Schedule XII

    1. Added in 1992
    2. It is also essential to mention specific provisions that apply mainly to municipalities.

    The schedules are diverse and touch on vital areas of concern. They make clear how the constitutional provisions translate and, more importantly, how they are worked on. Indeed, many things would not be complete as they are if these creatures were not around.


    Finally, you are familiar with what they are, what they address, and how they facilitate our Constitution. I have always thought our founding fathers lavished too much effort on this social blueprint. Yes, after all, as Indians we can rightly say – we can feel proud and grateful !!!

    I trust you found this brief look into the veins that run through our system informative and enjoyable.

  • Article 370 and the Supreme Court

    Article 370 and the Supreme Court or Debate. The presented paper aims to reveal the complexities of the history of the concept of the ‘mediated breakdown of communication.’

    What is Article 370?

    This provision in the Indian Constitution has been hugely contentious for decades. Article 370 enabled the Government of Jammu and Kashmir to have its own Constitution, flag, and control over internal affairs.

    To understand the history behind Article 370, one has to go back to the events that took place at the time of the accession of the kingdom of Kashmir to the Indian Union in 1947. During that period, the Indian government had to allow Kashmir to join the Union. Article 370 was added to the Constitution of India in 1949 as a ‘Section 3’ as and when the state of J&K was given autonomy.

    The state’s autonomy was gradually reduced over the years, and eventually, the article was diluted in its applicability. Several critics claimed that this special status fuels separatism in the region of Kashmir. Some people argued that Article 370 was the only way to protect the culture and identity of the Kashmiri people within the Indian federation. This debate raged on for years into decades.

    The Turning Point was played in 2019

    In August 2019, the government passed a resolution in Rajya Sabha that made significant changes.

    1. Thus, the 1954 order was effectively annulled by putting into force Article 370. Primarily, J&K’s special status was abolished.
    2. The existing state of J&K was divided into two new Union Territories: the UT of Jammu & Kashmir and the UT of Ladakh.

    This movement was well regarded as the most significant controversy. Some people believed it would help free the territory of terrorism and facilitate development in Jammu and Kashmir. Some political analysts and human rights activists accused the government of working over the people of Kashmir, which was unconstitutional.

    The legal issues that may arise at the Supreme Court level include the following;

    As you know, immediately after the changes were made, the opposition parties and activists turned to the Supreme Court to seek to have the changes reversed.

    Their key arguments were:

    1. Article 370 is a constitutional provision that cannot be amended or removed in any way, let alone by the presidential order.
    2. Even today, to change the status of the state, the consent of the J&K constituent assembly is obligatory, although it was dissolved in 1957.
    3. The division of J&K into two opposite parts is against the provisions of Article 370 of the Constitution of India, which deals with citizens’ fundamental rights.

    Nonetheless, the Supreme Court threw all the petitions filed to appeal the government’s act. In its ruling, the apex court said: In its ruling, the apex court said:

    1. It is essential to clear the misconception that Article 370 was always framed as a permanent provision. The President can amend it, but the changes should not contradict the Constitution.
    2. The Presidential Order wielded the dissolved constituent assembly by substituting it with the state assembly.
    3. Division of J&K into UTs was constitutionally permissible within the realm of Parliament.

    Finally, With this verdict, the Supreme Court gave a clean chit to the government regarding the property in Article 370. As for the future, the previous state has been divided into two parts, now Union Territories with lesser power.

    The Verdict’s Significance

    The judgment given by the Supreme Court regarding the revocation of Article 370 has a broader impact. From a legal perspective, it resolves an ongoing debate on the legal status of J&K since the government passed the reorganization act. On the political level, the map of the region and its governmental structures are altered completely.

    On a social aspect, people of J&K have both positive and negative impacts with the onset of this new arrangement. For many Kashmiris, this is perceived as an infringement on their liberties and the forging of their character. But its supporters believe that by enhancing integration the two areas will be made more secure and developed.


    The law of the matter was adjudicated: the manifold social and political implications will keep unfolding. However, the definitive stamp of the apex court adds a symbolic value to the situation. It could be said that the chapter regarding the special status of Article 370 in the Indian Constitution has come to its conclusion. Hence, in the future, J&K will start a new journey as a complete UT under the direct jurisdiction of the Union.

  • Article 20 of the Indian Constitution

    The Right to Freedom in India: Powerpoint on Article 20

    Article 20 of the Indian Constitution lays down the protection of life and personal liberty. This critical article sets out some rights every Indian citizen has to have certain freedoms. It’s time to get down to business in layperson’s terms.

    What Entitlements Does Article 20?

    Article 20 guarantees three fundamental rights: Article 20 guarantees three fundamental rights:

    1. The legal right that one has concerning being shielded from being prosecuted, tried. Incarcerated for a crime that was not a criminal act under the law when the act was committed.
    2. The defendant shall not be subject to the same charge for the same criminal act. Freedom against self-incrimination. As it is legally termed, protection against being compelled to witness against one’s self.

    Let Us Review These Key Rights Under Article 20:

    • The law prohibits ex post facto laws: I cannot be arrested and confined under a new law when my action was not legally categorized as a crime. For instance, if today the law is raised to 21 years to drink alcohol, for example, I cannot be arrested for being a minor and drinking despite being 19 years old. It must be noted that the law cannot apply only to me, and to do so would be against the spirit of the law. Which protects everyone from laws with retrospective effects that only seek to harm a person.
    • No Double Jeopardy: I cannot be subjected to a trial or be punished again for the same crime. The police cannot reopen your case if a court has already acted and punished you. The courts cannot retry your case just because they did not like the decision. It prevents foul play, including using the legal system to hound or victimize others.
    • No Self-Incrimination: This means that the prosecution has to produce evidence that points to me as the culprit of the crime. I can not be coerced to say something, produce any proof to make me a suspect, or make a statement against my will. The police can not torture me or force me to testify against myself.

    When can such rights be limited?

    Like other rights, these freedoms start under Article 20 also have reasonable limitations. My rights can be limited if:

    1. It is done so for national security purposes. It is for a national security interest
    2. It protects the health, safety, welfare, good order of the public, and decency or morality.

    Implications in Real Life

    From the perspective of an ordinary citizen, it shields me against unlawful exploitation of the laws and the unjust exercise of power. If arrested, the police cannot make me give a statement that incriminates myself or furnish the law with any materials that may stand as evidence against me.

    I can also decline to respond to questions and sustain my innocence until the contrary is proven. The courts also cannot continue prosecuting me time and again just because the police or government does not like the previous verdicts that I have gotten in my favor. This article thus protects individuals from harassment by law enforcement authorities or legal agencies.

    Key Takeaways

    The essence of Article 20 of the Indian Constitution

    1. can’t commit a crime for an act that wasn’t a crime at the time it was committed
    2. shall not be subjected to consecutive trials for the same crime
    3. cannot be compelled to incriminate myself or be made to be a witness against my own will

    The rights under this article are general and effectual, guaranteeing civil liberties, thereby safeguarding against abuse of state power and authority in all provinces. The essence of Article 20 can be said to be the protection of everyday people from being forced and abused by the misuse of law.


    I trust this analysis has made it easier for you to navigate Article 20 of the Constitution by making you aware of your fundamental rights. Please leave other questions in the comment section below if you have any.

  • The Father Of The Indian Constitution

    The Father of the Indian Constitution consists of the following. He is called Babasaheb Ambedkar, a title accorded to Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar out of courtesy. For this reason, he is popularly known as the Father of the Indian Constitution. Therefore, he was included as a member of the drafting committee of the Constitution of India’s Constituent Assembly and was elected as the Chairman.

    Early Life and Education

    Born as a poor Dalit, Ambedkar was the son of Ramji Sakpal and Culabai Sakpal, born on April 14, 1891. However, he had been a victim of extreme caste discrimination, and yet he was a good scholar. He studied at Elphinstone College in Bombay and, with B. R. Ambedkar’s support, was the first person of Dalit origin to get a college degree in India. He then proceeded to Columbia University on a scholarship to complete his master’s and doctorate rewards.

    Return to India

    After returning to India in 1923, Ambedkar fought against social discrimination and became the indicator of Dalit folks. Public life, to him, was a means through which he could assist the people in his community in gaining education, which began his search for ways of attaining that goal. In the last decade of the twenties and early thirties, he demanded the removal of untouchability and other social evils.

    Some classifications put it under the Framing of the Constitution.

    When India got freedom in 1947, Dr Ambedkar became the first Law Minister of free India. Later, he was chosen to be the Chair of the Drafting Committee to draft the Indian Constitution. He had constitutional accountability, which involved determining the Constitution through Assembly talks for over three years.

    Key Contributions

    Some of Ambedkar’s significant contributions include

    1. Constitutional Rights and Freedoms that safeguard civil liberties
    2. Made provisions for constitutional protection and affirmative action for Dalits and other socially backward classes.
    3. Parliamentary democracy and the federal system of governance are recognized and practiced.
    4. Allotting universal adult franchise that resulted in the right to vote for the general public
    5. It became a republic of liberty, equality, and fraternity as the fundamental principles of the state.

    Thus, Ambedkar formulated a constitution that ensured the provision of voice and authority previously unattainable to the downtrodden segments of society. He ensured some form of social democracy and inclusion were kicked into the Constitution.

    Fight Against Caste Discrimination

    Besides contributing to constitution-making in India, Ambedkar remained concerned with establishing Dalit rights. He was involved in several agitations for demanding civic rights, such as treating water as a fundamental human right and praying in temples.

    He mobilized the Dalits by forming the Bahishkrit Hitkarni Sabha and the Independent Labour Party to contest local body elections. Many oppressed groups received confidence from his leadership and started seeking justice and equal treatment.

    Buddhism and Last Years

    In his last years, Ambedkar embraced Buddhism to fight discriminating castes inherited from Hinduism. He wrote many articles on this topic and later became a Buddhist in October 1956, along with five lacs of followers in Nagpur. But sadly, he died just after one-and-a-half months and died on December 6, 1956.


    As a legal luminary, Ambedkar contributed a lot to framing India’s Constitution and the social reform movement, thus liberating millions of depressed people. He rekindled Buddhism and brought awareness of their political rights amongst the vulnerable population of India concerning the Constitution. Of course, one can state that he is an outstanding example of a nation-builder and a social liberator.

    The Constitution he wrote today continues to steer the biggest democracy in the world. It is an evolving document that affords the dreams and vision of one billion Indians to create a just society. Indeed, the goal of Babasaheb Ambedkar of eradicating the caste system and improving the plight of the oppressed continues as a dream unfulfilled. India still reveres him today as a giant of a man and a guiding light who led from the front even more than six decades after he left the scene.


    Most commonly, Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, referred to as Babasaheb Ambedkar, is credited for being the Father of the Indian Constitution. He was born on 14th April 1891 in a needy family of ‘Untouchables.’ He was expelled due to caste discrimination, but he continued his studies and obtained his first college degree from Bahujan Samaj in India. Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar study  from Columbia University and then returned to India again and fought for the rights of the Dalit community and against untouchability.

    As India’s first Law Minister after independence, Ambedkar chaired the Drafting Committee that formulated the Constitution, establishing essential rights and protections for oppressed communities. His contributions included enshrining civil liberties, parliamentary democracy, and universal suffrage, promoting freedom, equality, and fraternity.
    Ambedkar also fought against caste discrimination, forming organizations to mobilize Dalits for civil rights, and later embraced Buddhism to combat caste injustices. He passed away shortly after converting in 1956. His legacy continues to influence India’s democratic framework and social reforms, inspiring movements for equality and social justice.

  • How To Make Your Skin Glow Naturally At Home

    How To Make Your Skin Glow Naturally At Home Healthy skin is something that every person wants these days. Makeup, though, gives a kind of sheen that is artificial. The natural glow or sheen is from the inside, from the health that one gets. You can get that naturally radiant skin at home and with very little fuss, and you don’t have to be a scientist to try out these tips, ingredients you can get at your local grocery store, and some fun experiments.


    Another wonder of the skin is having a smooth skin surface. It achieves gentle scrubbing. The outermost layer of the skin comprises dead skin cells and other debris that lack the natural shine, so by washing the face, one is removing this layer to expose the new skin layer that has a natural glow. The face’s skin scrub 2-3 times a week using a purchase scrubs or natural scrubs, such as sea salt, sugar, coffee grounds, or oatmeal. It is applied by adding water or oil and then using it on the skin by rotating it circularly and washing it.


    The water affects having perfect skin. Get your required amount of water by drinking eight glasses daily and foods with high water content, such as cucumbers, watermelon, and celery. To take it up a notch, use an atomizer to spray rose water or any essential facial oil on your face at regular intervals in the day.

    DIY Brightening Face Mask

    Add one spoon of plain yogurt, two pinches of turmeric powder, and half a spoon of lemon juice. Intended for external use only, spread the mask evenly on the face and let it work its magic for ten to fifteen minutes before washing off. Lactic acid in yogurt helps moisturize the skin; on the other hand, turmeric and lemon, rich in vitamin C, can lighten the skin tone from its natural brightness.

    Soak Up the Sun

    One of the significant benefits of this natural ultraviolet light source is that it is a rich source of vitamin D and plays an essential role in the skin’s cell division and regeneration. Ideally, it takes  10-15 minutes in the morning, and the last thing you want is to get a sun tan while doing this. It can also help one get out of the house, reducing stress and adding to that healthy glow from within.

    Get Enough Beauty Sleep

    It benefits your skin since going to bed will give you enough time for cell turnover, new skin cell formation, and collagen synthesis. Aim for 7-9 hours every night for better results. Use your back when sleeping to avoid developing sleep lines. One should apply one of the night creams enriched with the necessary elements, and the skin will absorb them all during the night.

    Make a Cleanser using Honey & Lemon.

    Honey possesses antibacterial properties and lightening effects on the skin, while lemon juice also has skin-lightening benefits owing to its acidic nature. To prepare a thorough homemade face wash, mix two tablespoons of raw honey with one lemon juice. Apply to damp skin and work up a lather with gentle rubbing for 2-3 minutes before rinsing with warm water. It uses 1-2 times a week to unveil a radiant complexion and improve the skin’s clarity, diminishing pimples.

    Try These Fruit and Vegetable Facial

    Another way to give a healthy glow to the skin is by preparing fruit and vegetable face masks with high antioxidants. Some friendly fruits include papaya, pineapple, tomatoes, carrots, avocado, and strawberries, and some vitamins and minerals that are good for the skin when applied raw. I would mash or blend the ingredient of my choice and use it on the skin for 10-15 minutes, then wash off with slightly warm water and pat dry.

    Diet Plays An Important Role In Skin Rejuvenation And Nourishment

    here are some tasty ways to rediscover a natural beauty and healthy skin from within. Therefore, more emphasis cannot be placed on skin health to achieve natural radiance, which is influenced by a proper diet with nutrient content. Men should, therefore, incorporate in their diet more fruits – not more rare fruits but citrus fruits; more green vegetables – especially those with yellow leaves such as spinach and kale; more foods rich in omega3 fatty acids such as salmon and avocados; and more nuts and seeds especially those that are high in vitamin E. Foods to be taken sparingly include cookies, candies, chocolate, chips and other foods rich in processed sugars and unhealthy fats which can cause. This must be accompanied by green tea and lots of water to enhance the inner beauty of a person.


    Looking good, naturally radiant skin, especially without makeup, means looking at the general health of the skin and the body. Base: The basics that should be observed include washing the face with a scrub, hydrating the body with water, sleeping well, and taking foods rich in nutrients. It gives an added glow to the skin. We have experimented with homemade face masks with lemon, honey, vegetables, and fruits. Though makeup may be helpful occasionally for a wedding or any other party, the skin speaks for itself if taken care of well. Memorize these tips and prepare to flaunt healthy skin and beauty with flying colors!

  • Dr Vijayant Govinda Gupta Reviews

    Dr. Vijayant Govinda Gupta Reviews (Govinda Healthcare Super Speciality Clinic)

    *** STARS:4.5 ***

    *** Rating: 1,334 ***

    ** Andrologist: MS (General Surgery) **

    *** 15 Years in Healthcare ***

    ** Karol Bagh, Delhi **

    *** Opens at 12 pm ***

    *** Consultation Fee: ₹ 600 ***

    Mode of Payment: Cash

    Address and Contact Details

    Contact: 07947422967

    Address: Govinda Healthcare Super Speciality Clinic

    C/O Govinda Healthcare Super Speciality Clinic, 27B/4, New Rohtak Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi – 110005 (Near Liberty, Opposite Sarai Rohila Bus Stop)

    Available in 2 locations: Govinda Healthcare Super Speciality Clinic

    Fee: ₹ 600

    Clinic Timings Dr Vijayant Govinda Gupta Reviews

    • Mon: 12:00 pm – 05:00 pm
    • Wed: 12:00 pm – 05:00 pm
    • Sat: 12:00 pm – 05:00 pm
    • Tue, Thu, Fri, Sun: Closed

    Apollo Spectra Hospitals

    Fee: ₹ 600

    Address: C/O Apollo Spectra Hospitals, House No 66-A/2, New Rohtak Road, Karol Bagh, Delhi – 110005

    Awards and Certificates

    Award IN 2016 Best Video Presentation Participant, NZUSICON, Agra

    Specialization: Andrologist, Laparoscopic Surgeon, Sexologist, Urologist

    Year of Experience: 15 Years in Healthcare

     Information About Dr Vijayant Govinda Gupta Reviews

    • Consultation Fee:₹ 600
    • Registration: DMC/R/05839-Delhi Medical Council-2013


    1. MS (General Surgery)- G B Pant Hospital / Moulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi- 2013
    3. MBBS- University College Of Medical Sciences & GTB Hospital, New Delhi- 2008


    1. Delhi Urological Society
    2. American Urological Association (AUA)
    3. Urological Society Of India (USI)


    1. Mon: 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm
    2. Tue: Closed – Closed
    3. Wed: 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm
    4. Thu: 12:00 pm-5:00 pm
    5. Fri: Closed – Closed
    6. Sat: 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm
    7. Sun: Closed – Closed

    Suggest New Hours

    Available in 2 locations


    1. Urinary Tract And Bladder Stones
    2. Hydrocele
    1. Azoospermia
    1. Orchiopexy AND MORE


    1. Urinary Incontinence
    1. Prostate Laser Surgery
    1. Minimally Invasive Urology
    1. Vasectomy and more


    Optical Internal Urethrotomy Test and much more.

    Highlights from the Tratement

    1. Open Prostatectomy
    2. Urinary Incontinence
    3. Prostate Laser Surgery
    4. Minimally Invasive Urology
    5. Cystoscopy

    Key Insights

    What users Liked

    1. The doctor is highly respected and known for educating youth about sex education and dispelling myths.
    2. The ZSR surgery performed by Dr. Vijayant received positive feedback, with some patients mentioning good results and no issues.
    3. The staff, particularly Gaurav, was praised for their behavior, explanations, and assistance during the surgery and recovery.

    What can be Improved?

    1. Some patients mentioned long wait times before meeting the doctor, lasting several hours.
    2. There were complaints about the rough handling by the assistant/technician during pre-surgery procedures.
    3. Lack of communication and review of test results before prescribing medication was a concern for a patient.

    Dr Vijayant Govinda Gupta Reviews

    Rakesh Tiwari

    One review

    09 May 2023: Very experienced Dr. V. G. Gupta Ji, a specialist in zsr circumcision, I fully recovered within 23 days. All the staff members are friendly and supportive, and Govinda Clinic is the best in northern India in the field of zsr circumcision and the field of andrology.

    Honey Sharma

    One review

    05 June 2020: Very Bad Experience. Fraud Doctor. He increases my problem. He destroyed my entire life. Please don`t go to this type of Fraud doctor. Fraud Youtuber Doctor.

    Vijay Kumar

    One review

    13 January 2021: I followed Dr Vijayant Govinda Gupta on YouTube last year. Our vasectomy was eight years old, and due to family problems, I wanted to get it reversed. After following one year on YouTube, I finally decided to meet Dr Vijayant Govinda Gupta. Our vasectomy reversal was done on 06 November 2020. Within three weeks of surgery, the place looks normal, and after the first semen analysis test after six weeks, the report shows semen returns. I recommend that those who are looking for vasectomy reversal must visit.

    R F

    Two reviews

    21 July 2020: Hi, good doctor in Delhi NCR. I am satisfied with Govinda, sir; the staff is also good behavior.  circumcision is the best for there. 8083950483


    Two reviews

    08 January 2021: Dr. Gupta was terrific. Knowledgeable, sensitive, and informative, I immediately felt comfortable receiving expert medical care. The staff was great, too. I walked away very impressed w. the overall experience. HIGHLY recommend

    Ajay Kumar

    One review

    09 April 2018: Operation was successful & satisfactory. Doctor Vijayant is an excellent doctor. He listened to my problem very patiently and gave the best advice. I strongly recommend him for any urological and sexual Problems.


    Dr. Vijayant Govinda Gupta Reviews, an andrologist with over 15 years of experience, practices at Govinda Healthcare Super Speciality Clinic in Karol Bagh, Delhi. He holds an MS in General Surgery and an MCh in Urology. His clinic operates on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays from 12 PM to 5 PM, with a consultation fee of ₹600. Dr. Gupta is well-regarded for his expertise in surgeries such as ZSR circumcision and prostate procedures, and has received positive reviews for effective treatments and staff support. However, some patients have reported long wait times and issues with pre-surgery handling. He is a member of several professional organizations, underscoring his commitment to his field.

  • Sri Karya Siddhi Anjaneya Swamy Temple Photos

    Sri Karya Siddhi Anjaneya Swamy Temple Photos a temple associated as or alternatively known as Sri Karya Siddhi Anjaneya Swamy Temple or Karya Siddhi Anjaneya Temple is the most famous temple located in Kuchibhotla village of Hyderabad. A place belongs to Telangana state in India. This is especially true regarding Lord Hanuman, as the masses believe and by faith, the invokes will be endowed with solutions to the problems of the invokes, as well as energetic prayers with the right spirits of the guests on benches in honor of the Almighty God.

    ***Contact Information***

    ***Phone: 040-6543 2121***

    ***Email: karyasiddhi@gmail. Com***

    ***Website: www. karyasiddhi. Org***


    The Sri Karya Siddhi Anjaneya Swamy Temple.

    Kuchibhotla Village,

    Moinabad Mandal,

    Ranga Reddy District

    Telangana 501504


    The temple is open from 5 in the morning till 12 at 4 pm to 9 pm for each day of the week.

    Aarti timings:

    Most Hindu temples have a tradition of organizing early morning aarti at 5. 30 in the morning. Evening aarti is at 7. 30 PM.


    Wheel Chair Accessible Entrance And Exit


    The temple has 4,8 stars on Google from more than 11,000 customers. Several people have left commendations and testimonials for having prayed and had their requests granted after going to the temple.


    Many reviews highlighted the mightiness of Lord Hanuman and the serene environment. Some say they have woken up realizing they have fulfilled their desires and prayed for them within sincere worship. Specifically, the participants also acknowledged the store’s management and the queues. Some of the reviews received include the idea that control of the crowds could be improved to a certain degree.

    Sri Karya Siddhi Anjaneya Swamy Temple Photos, More Temples

    Sri Karya Siddhi Anjaneya Swamy Temple Photos

    Sri Karya Siddhi Anjaneya Swamy is the deity Hanuman, specifically worshipped for success and accomplishing all wants. The different temples devoted to this form of Hanuman are located across the country, specifically in India. Some major Sri Karya Siddhi Anjaneya Swamy temples are:

    1. Avadhoota Datta Peetham Mysore was Established in 1999 to house a swayambu idol of Sri Karya Siddhi Anjaneya Swamy. It is considered a highly-ranked temple; people visit it from all corners of the town and other places.
    2. Sri Karya Siddhi Anjaneya Swamy Temple Maddur Karnataka – The idol installs belief to cure complexions and pull devotees out of troubles or difficulties. One of the prominent differences is that the idol has a shankha and chakra in its hand, along with mace and lotus.
    3. Karya Siddhi Hanuman Temple, Frisco, Texas, began in 2014. This temple caters to the needs of the Hindus in North Texas. He stated that they celebrate several festivals associated with Hanuman and often host priests from India.
    4. Sri Karya Siddhi Anjaneyaswami Temple, Chinawaltair, Andhra Pradesh – The temple site on the Simhachalam hill range, and the rituals of puja began following the traditions of Agamic; festivals are very popular with the masses. It appraise as one of the holiest temples of Hanuman in Andhra State and is revered by the devotees.
    5. Sri Anjaneya Swamy Temple, Bangalore- this temple began in 1969, and the idol of Sri Anjaneya Swamy has a unique Navagraha Puja, done daily to negate any ill effects. Large masses attend the market days, which are on Saturday and Tuesday.


    Sri Karya Siddhi Anjaneya Swamy Temple is one of the most spirited temples and is of Lord Hanuman only. Many people have ultimately stressed their concerns and wishes through Lord Hanuman’s blessings. As it connects to the conferment of precious wishes and proper organization, it continues attracting thousands of genuine devotees from different parts of the country daily.

  • Medanta Hospital Patna Photos

    Medanta Hospital Patna Photos It was satisfying to watch the state-of-the-art Patna Medanta Hospital demonstrate and perform optimal procedures like TAVR-Valve in the Valve case and Mitra Clip intervention. The medical facility has addressed several Aortic Dissection case and provided clients with high-quality cardiovascular services.

    ### Address: Medanta Organ Transplant Hospital, Patna, is located at Frazer Road, New Patliputra Colony, Patna, Bihar, India###

    ### Pin code: 800001 ###

    ###Timings: Open 24 hours ###

    ### Contact: 07383033936###

    Medanta Hospital Patna Photos Services

    Medanta Hospital Patna Photos

    It is a referral medical facility that offers treatment in various specialties such as cardiovascular, cancer, nervous system, renal, etc. It has emergency services all through the year.

    Doctors in Medanta Hospital Patna Photos

    Doctors are 100 percent of skilled medical professionals in our facility. It also encompasses well-known experts and those decorated with the Padma Shri award.

    Medanta Hospital Patna Photos

    Doctors in Jay Prabha Medanta Super Specialty Hospital

    1. Naveen Kumar
    • Urologist Doctors
    • Stars: 4.9,
    1. Ambuj Kumar
    • Paralysis Doctors
    • Star: 4.8
    1. Abhishek Raman
    • Nephrologists
    • Stars: 4.8
    1. Maruti Nandan
    • Neurologists
    • Stars: 4.7


    1. Kidney Transplant
    2. Knee Replacement
    3. Breast
    4. Shoulder Replacement
    5. Renal Transplantation
    6. Arthroplasty
    7. Endoscopic Surgery
    8. Thoracic Oncology
    9. Hernia
    10. Laparoscopic Surgery
    11. Spine Surgery
    12. Surgical Oncology
    13. Renal Transplant

    Management of Medanta Hospital Patna Photos

    1. Cancer Pain Management
    2. Sports Injury

    Tests & Treatments

    1. diagnostics
    2. imaging services
    3. specialized laboratory tests
    4. less invasive operations
    5. transplants
    6. radiation treatments
    7. rehabilitation services, etc.

    Highlights From The Treatment

    • Knee Replacement
    • Shoulder Replacement
    • Renal Transplant
    • Vaginoplasty


    It has a 4. 5 rating on Google, with over 750 people giving feedback about the services offered. They conserve friendly staff, orderliness, new technology infrastructure, and sophisticated medical equipment.

    Ratings & Recognition

    The Patna hospital has the highest ranking. NABH and NABL accredited. It is an integral part of the Medanta Group of Hospitals, one of India’s largest multi-specialty hospital chains, founded by Dr. Naresh Trehan, a famous cardiologist.

    Altogether, the management of Medanta Hospital Patna gives it a competitive edge and places it at a vantage point as the best multi-specialty hospital in Bihar and the East India region based on medical facilities, human resources, and patient satisfaction. Hence, it has provided quality healthcare services and effectively addressed various health complications. The hospital has state-of-the-art facilities for diagnosis and treatments across all specialties and is comparable to the best hospitals in the world.


    Medanta Hospital Patna is a leading multi-specialty facility in New Patliputra Colony, Bihar, offering various medical services, including cardiovascular, cancer, and renal treatments. The hospital operates 24/7 and is staffed by over 100 experienced doctors, including Padma Shri awardees. It has high ratings on services, with a focus on advanced procedures such as TAVR and MitraClip interventions. The hospital is NABH and NABL accredited, emphasizing quality healthcare and patient satisfaction. Key surgical offerings include kidney transplants and joint replacements, supported by modern diagnostic and imaging services. Medanta Hospital Patna aims to provide exceptional healthcare that is comparable to global standards.

  • Ny Cinemas Ahmedabad Photos


    Ny Cinemas Ahmedabad Photos MUMBAI Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn, who launched a multiplex business under the brand name of NY Cinemas (based on the initials of his children Nysa and Yug Devgn), is eyeing 250 screens in the next 4-5 years.13 Dec 2018 People found NY Cinemas searching for Cinema Halls, Multiplex Cinema Halls, Miniplex Cinema Halls, and 4D Cinema Halls.

    1. Address: Aamrakunj Arne, 44TP Road, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad – 382424 (Near Gwalbhog, Nigam Nagar)
    2. Contact details: 079-40083300, +(91)-8976948773
    • Get info via SMS/Email
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    Show Timings 09-08-2024

    Ny Cinemas Ahmedabad Photos

    Deadpool & Wolverine (3D Hindi Movie)

    Action, Adventure, Comedy


    2 hrs 8 mins

    Critics 5.0

    Three shows in one day

    • 09:00 AM
    • 02:30 PM
    • 10:45 PM

    Ghuspaithiya (Hindi Movie)

    Crime, Drama, Thriller


    Critics N/A

    Two show this movie.

    • 11:45 AM
    • 08:00 PM

    It Ends With Us (English Movie)

    Drama, Romantic


    2 hrs 12 mins

    Critics N/A

    Two shows of this movie.

    • 11:00 AM
    • 05:15 PM

    Ulajh (Hindi Movie)



    2 hrs 14 mins

    Critics N/A

    Two shows of this movie in a day

    • 02:00 PM
    • 10:30 PM

    Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha (Hindi Movie)

    Drama, Romantic


    2 hrs 25 mins

    Critics 5.0

    Viewers N/A

     Key Insights

    Ny Cinemas Ahmedabad Photos

    What users Liked

    1. Many customers mentioned the comfortable seats and good sound quality.
    2. Some reviews highlighted the beautiful ambiance and interior design of the cinema.
    3. A few customers praised the friendly and well-behaved staff.

    What can be Improved?

    1. A few reviews expressed dissatisfaction with interruptions during the movie or incorrect screening of films.
    2. The green exit light disturbed A couple of reviewers while watching movies.

    BETA VERSION – Likes and suggested improvements are based on the reviews across the web.

    Reviews & Ratings

    1. Stars: 4.6
    2. Rating 2,367

    User Reviews for Ny Cinemas Ahmedabad Photos

    • Relevant
    • Latest
    • High to Low

     mahek desai

    29 reviews

    28 Feb 2023: First glance at the theatre gives you perfect vibes. And the ambiance is top-notch. I watch Avatar Way of Water; the main thing is it gives a 60fps projection. Snacks and cold drink varieties are like some good cafes, and prices are not as high as in other cinemas. Interior and seat quality is the best.


    45 reviews

    28 Feb 2023: I recently purchased a new sofa set from Lovely Furniture and couldn`t be happier with my experience. When I walked into the showroom, I was greeted with a warm and friendly welcome from the sales representative. He took the time to listen to my needs and provided several options that fit my budget. The delivery process was also seamless, and the team went above and beyond to ensure that my new furniture was set up exactly how I wanted it.

    Nearby Cinema Halls & Theatre

    1. Apple Cinema, Bapunagar
    2. Apple Multiplex, Gota
    3. PVR Palladium Mall, Ahmedabad
    4. PVR Arved Transcube, Ahmedabad
    5. PVR Inox Acropolis Ahmedabad

    Cinema Halls & Theatres in Top Cities

    1. Delhi NCR
    2. Bengaluru
    3. Chennai
    4. Gurgaon
    5. Jaipur
    6. Mumbai
    7. Pune
    8. Hyderabad
    9. Ghaziabad
    10. Noida
    11. Kolkata
    12. Agra

    Theatres Under the Same Cinema Chain

    1. Apple Cinema, Bapunagar.
    2. Apple Multiplex, Gota.
    3. PVR Palladium Mall, Ahmedabad.
    4. PVR Arved Transcube, Ahmedabad.
    5. PVR Inox Acropolis Ahmedabad.


    I want to watch Leo movie in the best theatres near me, but there are a limited number of screen releases, so . bollywood actor Ajay Devgn, who launched a multiplex business under the brand name of NY Cinemas (based on the initials of his children Nysa and Yug Devgn),