• Icebergify

    Icebergify  data is increasing at an alarming rate and is also exponentially expanding. Daily global data creation will reach 2. 5 exabytes by 2025. It is expected to grow to 463 exabytes. It translates to 212,765,957 DVDs per day, an incredible number for a site that was thought dead. The increasing data volumes for storing and moving all these data pose a significant challenge and are equally expensive for the business. It is where new data optimization techniques such as Icebergify come in. Let me assure you the iceberg is the future of mega-data management!

    What is Icebergify?

    Icebergify is an advanced data processing method that can potentially alleviate the storage and network problems caused by using vast data sets. To operate, it only keeps what is usually referred to as the working set or highlight. The rest goes back to the repository and is not frequently accessed. It only opens the complete data when necessary due to limited storage space.

    How Does Icebergify Work?

    Icebergify divides data into two segments. First, a small upper layer that is more frequently accessed and contains only the primary information. The second, a significantly larger lower layer, which stores the complete information. When a query is run on an icebergified table. The first thing that is done is that the query processor looks at the topmost summary layer to see if it can find all the answers. If yes, it gives the result without having to search the more extensive data in detail where the actual data is stored. If not, it reads the complete data from the lower layer based on the above-defined policy when necessary.

    The fundamental principles of the iceberg are:

    1. Separation of hot and cold data: ‘Hot’ data accessed more often is stored independently of ‘cold’ data accessed less often. It enhances the query’s value and decreases the amount of money charged for scans.
    2. Transparent access: Both layers are abstracted from the users and applications, manifesting their presence through mechanisms. The fact that the table is presented to the user as one logical table is handy, although data has been distributed into two tiers.
    3. On-demand access: The complete data is made available and then queried as and when needed to provide the answers to such requests. It helps ensure that data does not always have to be migrated to higher tiers.
    4. Mutability: Fresh data may continue to be appended to the last tier. While a columnar summary could represent the first tier. It allows icebergs to grow slowly and also develop in the process.

    The Benefits of Icebergify

    There are several key benefits driving adoption of the iceberg pattern. There are several key benefits driving adoption of the iceberg pattern.

    1. Lower storage costs: Icebergify can work as a predictive index of hot data. Summaries derived from big data repositories, which could lead to up to 90% storage reduction. This results in a drastic decrease in cost, particularly on cloud object stores.
    2. Better query performance: The comments indicate that queries no longer have to search through all raw data each time. Summary statistics in the top layer result in faster analyses since they are in the higher dimension of the data.
    3. Efficient data lakes: Icebergify tables can help store fabrics that run at high-performance levels and organize the data lakes. It makes it easier to perform complex data analysis on large volumes of data that are not easily manageable.
    4. Gradual evolution: It can continuously let new data be added into the lower layer without affecting the query process against the upper layer. It facilitates changing datasets.
    5. Domain flexibility: Icebergs do not impose any need for upfront data modeling and schema definition for rows and columns. It places them in an excellent position to cut contemporary analytical workloads across disciplines.

    Icebergify in Real Life: Usage

    Icebergify is gradually finding its way into diverse industries to handle massive data sets with enhanced throughput and reduced infrastructural expenses.

    1. A large bank in the United States uses icebergs to consider and assess financial transactions of around twenty years without requiring to rewind the tapes and pull out all the data.
    2. An oil & gas operator is a prime example of using icebergification to limit data transfers from drilling sites located in remote areas using seismic sensors. It led to a cost reduction of almost seventy percent.
    3. A grocery delivery company uses icebergs to map order history on delivery order streams to produce insights that will improve order fulfillment.
    4. A hardware manufacturer uses icebergs to gain insight into usage telemetry from millions of installed devices to use it in future product designs.

    The Future with Icebergs

    In the future, managers and analysts will discover icebergs as an efficient way to handle and analyze big data. Organizations are already experiencing significant cost and performance gains from selective partial data materialization in icebergs. As data volumes grow unfalteringly, icebergs will play decisive roles in meaningful, web-scale data access at a reasonable price.


    In conclusion, it can be stated that Icebergify can meet the increasing demands of data growth in the best possible way. In this way, icebergs help achieve greater storage transparency and reduce data scans. Thus allowing the most substantial conclusions based on vast data sets. It is expected that iceberg-style optimization will gradually increase across industries because different organizations will need to leverage data to generate value without incurring excessive expenses on data assets. Let me assure you the iceberg is the future of mega-data management!