• The Fundamental Duties of the Indian Constitution

    What are They? Why are They Important?

    The Fundamental Duties of the Indian Constitution With this understanding, we sometimes feel that, as citizens, we have our rights. Still, we do not remember that duties are also associated with those rights. Enumerated below are the fundamental responsibilities outlined in our constitution, which are the minimum code of conduct that every citizen of this country should uphold as they bear their responsibilities.

    These duties, as much as they are not legally actionable in a court of law, can be said to be a manual on the proper behavior of every person in a given society. Debates such as the government’s role and the citizens’ responsibilities could be more accessible if we try to become better citizens in the country.

    This article will identify the fundamental duties mentioned in the Indian constitution and evaluate whether these duties should be enforced through law.

    Following are the eleven essential duties described in the constitution under Article 51A.

    They were incorporated into the constitution in 1976 under the 42nd amendment.

    The Fundamental Duties of the Indian Constitution

    1. Abide with the constitution and its principles of sovereignty, socialism, secularism, and democracy and strive to ensure they are achieved.
    2. Preserve the ideas in the freedom struggle, like justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity. Try to contribute to the betterment of the unity and integrated structure of India.
    3. Defend the country and be ready to serve the nation in any of the capacities that may be deemed appropriate in society.
    4. Preserve unity and become inspired by the spirit of the fraternity of man and the greatness of woman. Also, deny the system that is in contradiction with these principles.
    5. Attractiveness and integrity of our culture should be maintained and conserved.
    6. Preserve and enhance land resources such as forests, water resources such as lakes and rivers, and wildlife. Be kind to all animals that God has created.
    7. Students should learn the scientific attitude, humanitarianism, and the spirit of research and change.
    8. P/Preserve the public’s property and assets and refrain from using force.
    9. Relentlessly pursue quality in every aspect of personal and group endeavor so that the nation moves upwards in the scale of effort and achievement.
    10. Ensure that education is initiated at the age of 6 years and provide education to the child or ward up to 14 years.
    11. Encourage unity and the feeling of one nation, one people of India, and forget the religious, linguistic, regional, or sectioned differences.

    What Roles and Importance do the Fundamental Duties have for Citizens?

    1. They tell the people that, indeed, they have rights, but they also have moral rights.
    2. They help foster the culture of responsibility and the duty of every citizen towards their society.
    3. They mobilize citizens to solve problems without violence and bring change to the nation.
    4. They put in place certain circumstances that will make the country more united, disciplined, and financially productive.
    5. They remind generations of a country’s core values, and they challenge people to live according to them.

    Can A Citizen Ever Be Said To Violate Their Fundamental Obligations?

    Unfortunately yes. Some common examples are:

    1. They were looting and burning public property during the strike. It goes against duty number 8.
    2. It is engaging in or tolerating unfair treatment or prejudice of women. It violates duty 4.
    3. I am indifferent towards the conservation of Indian heritage. It is because it does not meet duty number 5.
    4. Denying demanded dowry or engaging in dowry-related demands or violence. It is contrary to the dignity of women under duty number 4.

    What Consequences Can The State Impose On Its Citizens If They Fail To Fulfill These Responsibilities?

    The fundamental duties are unenforceable, and you cannot go to court when your right to fundamental duties has been breached. They are rather advisory and, therefore, not strictly binding.

    Still, having them in mind and adhering to them can bring more change to the country’s context and become more progressive. It also made me want to be a more responsible citizen.


    The fundamental duties may be described as the guiding principles for the behavior of citizens in various aspects of life. They prescribe roles we should follow and strive to achieve as responsible members of society, though such roles cannot be legally compelled.

    Its followers can cause constructive social consequences such as greater unity, equality, science and advancement, and history protection. It benefits the country as it leads in the right direction of development.