• Madurai High Court Judgement

    Madurai High Court Judgement bench is located in Madurai. It has the Kanyakumari, Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi, Tenkasi, Madurai, Dindigul, Ramanathapuram, Virudhunagar, Theni, Sivaganga, Pudukottai, Thanjavur, Tiruchirappalli and Karur districts under its Jurisdiction.

    Contact Us

    • Chief Administrative Officer, Principal District Court, Madurai.
    • Phone No: 0452 2537597
    • Court Manager, Principal District Court, Madurai.
    • Phone No: 0452 2537515
    • Mail to: madurai.ecourt@gmail.com
    • mdu.pdc-tn@indiancourts.nic.in.

    Which Year Was the Madurai Bench Of Madras High Court Started?

    The Madras High Court Bench at Madurai was inaugurated on Saturday, the 24th of July of 2004, by Hon’ble Mr. Justice R.C. LAHOTI, Chief Justice of India. Justice B. Subashan Reddy, the then Chief Justice of the Madras High Court, presided over it.

    The region is believed to have been covered with Kadamba forest, called Kadambavanam. The city is referred to by various names, including “Madurai,” “Koodal,” “Malligai Maanagar,” “Naanmadakoodal,” and “Thirualavai.”

    How much time is required to get a court order?

    The time frame for obtaining a stay order from a court in India depends on several factors, such as the Jurisdiction, the nature and complexity of the case, and the court’s workload. On average, obtaining a stay order from the court may take anywhere from 2 weeks to several months.

    A.S.(M.D.).Nos.114 and 115 of 2024 A.S.(M.D.).Nos.114 and 115 of 2024 and C.M.P.(M.D.)No.6077 of 2024 S. SRIMATHY, J The absorb Counsel appearing for the appellants in both cases submitted that the appellants have already gifted a portion of land to the Temple. Moreover, there is a lot of land behind the School. The master Counsel appearing for the appellants in both cases has proposed that there can be an exchange of lands so that the School need not be disturbed. Instead of the suit property, the appellants are ready and willing to give the land adjacent to the present suit property. 2. Therefore, the respondents are directed to consider the same and report

    How to Read Lengthy Judgements?

    Madurai High Court Judgement

    Anyone who studies law will eventually have to read judgments. But what is the best way to read a case to understand it fully? Reading lengthy judgments is a tedious but most important task for a law student. As a law student, you might have to prepare summaries, too!

    When reading a case, you must know the typical structure of a case report, which will help you understand what you’re reading. Eventually, you’ll also need to be able to learn how to follow the often complex legal reasoning in judgments and understand what precedent is created by any given case. It is a skill built up over time and requires some practice. This section introduces you to some of these skills and provides a brief overview. For more information, we suggest you look at some of the Further Reading, which gives more detailed worked examples.

    What is a Madurai High Court Judgement/Case. 

    As a law student, you should first learn what a Judgment is. Judgment, in all legal systems, is a decision of a court adjudicating the parties’ rights to a legal action before it. A judge gives a legal judgment; the opinions are not written with the law student in mind.

    Understanding the fundamental legal issues not being addressed as a law student can be challenging, especially for those who study controversial topics. A newcomer is ushered in by the legal system and often falls into the shadows.

    For You To Understand The Facts, Focus On the Following Three Things:

    1. what has happened that has provoked someone to take this case to court;
    2. what happened at the trial court that provoked someone to appeal;
    3. What did the higher court do with this case?

    You Might Not Understand A Case At First Reading

    While reading a case for the first time, you don’t understand much of it or might not understand the main points. Don’t worry. Try rereading the case and take your time with it.

    It’s an excellent idea to skim-read the case report/summary that is available first to get a general overview. Then, reread the essential parts in more detail.

    I Read It Several Times.

    Read the case several times, and read it carefully. It’s an entirely different skill from, for example, reading a novel or a newspaper.

    Break The Case Into Following Components

    Madurai High Court Judgement

    As you start to read judgments, divide the following sections. It will help you to understand it effectively as you go on to read judgments till the end.

    1. Name Of The Case;
    2. Name Of The Court Which Decided The Case;
    3. Date Of Decision;
    4. Citation Of The Case;
    5. Name Of Judge Or Judges;
    6. Judgment
    7. procedure by which the case came before the court or tribunal (if the original Jurisdiction is so stated). It may also include-
    8. the relief the plaintiff asked for in the lower court
    9. what defendant asked the lower court to do
    10. what the lower court was complained of by the party appealing
    11. the facts before the court for decision. In setting out complicated facts, adopt chronological Order;
    12. the legal question or questions or issues involved;
    13. important arguments of Counsel;
    14. decision;
    15. reasons for the decision and
    16. reasons for dissenting opinions, if any.

    Make Notes Madurai High Court Judgement

    Make notes as you read, and even draw diagrams if it helps you understand the judges’ words.  It will help you keep track of the facts and avoid confusion. You may create notes by following these points.


    Know and understand the root cause of filing the Case- The prime and foremost thing that should be done is to know the root cause of registering the case. Don’t become discouraged! It is a skill that does become easier the more you practice it. Keep the practice of reading the judgments regularly to master the art of learning the decisions, and then you can see the change.